Tea Party Patriots to Hold Nationwide Protests Against Medical Mandates


Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) announced on Tuesday that it will hold nationwide protests against Democrat-led mandates for COVID-19 vaccines and masks.

The movement, entitled “Just Say No,” describes mandates as a power move, rather than for public health, and encourages individuals to not comply.

“President Biden’s outrageous vaccine mandate is firing up the grassroots, and we are channeling that energy into a ‘Day of Action’ for those who are ready and eager to stand up for their constitutional rights. No American should be forced by the government – or anyone else, for that matter – to put something in their body they don’t want to take. Nor should anyone be required to wear a mask, especially our children when they’re in school,” detailed TPPA Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin.

Furthermore, Martin encouraged residents to reject the “tyranny” associated with the mandates.

“The growing number of mandates are not about public health, they are about control. They are about trying to replace the doctor-patient relationship with a government-patient relationship, and that’s just wrong. Politicians at all levels are seeing how much they can get away with, and hoping to set precedents that will extend the reach of government even further into our lives permanently. Our protest events this week will show them that large numbers of Americans reject that line of thinking, and will not acquiesce to this would-be tyranny.”

The group has already organized 28 events across 17 states with more expected to be added.

The call to ignore broad-reaching mandates has continued to grow throughout the country, especially after President Biden announced a vaccine mandate that could potentially affect 100 million Americans. For example, after Biden’s announcement, Ohio Senate candidate JD Vance told businesses to ignore the new regulation.

“I have a simple message for America’s business community: DO NOT COMPLY,” Vance instructed of businesses with more than 100 employees.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “COVID-19 Protest” by GoToVan. CC BY 2.0.







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2 Thoughts to “Tea Party Patriots to Hold Nationwide Protests Against Medical Mandates”

  1. […] the organization held nationwide protests against Democrat-led mandates for COVID-19 vaccines and […]

  2. Eme

    No laws have been passed for jabs or masks.Mandates are not laws.
